The city of Dripping Springs has canceled all city-sponsored events, events at city facilities and events at Dripping Springs Ranch Park through May 14.

Specific canceled events include the city’s annual Founders Day Festival and this week’s Dripping Springs Farmers Market.

At a special called meeting March 17, Dripping Springs City Council approved the resolution to cancel events, which followed an order by Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra and recently released guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to city Public Information Officer Lisa Sullivan.

The resolution aims to “protect the health and safety of our community, employees, volunteers, and visitors to our area,” Sullivan said.

The status of future farmers markets will be evaluated at a later date to see if the event can be made to comply with the most recent CDC guidelines.

At this time, the city has not ordered local businesses or restaurants to close or switch to takeout or delivery services only. However, after the city of Austin and Travis County announced such regulations March 17, many businesses in the community are already taking precautions.