Ron Jones' and Barbara Stroud's seats are up for re-election. Jeffrey Aylstock, Kim Cousins, Jones and Rob McClelland have filed to run. Two of these four candidates will win a position on the board of trustees in May. Stroud will not be rerunning for her seat.
Candidates running for the DSISD board were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.
* indicates incumbent

Ron Jones*
served three terms on the DSISD board of trustees and served on the board of the Dripping Springs Education Foundation, Friends of Texas Public Schools and former board member of the Dripping Springs Water Supply Corp.
education technology executive
Contact Information:
How has your experience prepared you to be a Dripping Springs ISD trustee?
Serving nine years on the board, I have the experience and training to advocate for all of our students, staff and community. The board has a fiduciary responsibility for oversight, manage superintendent with strategic plan and board goals and apply governance in accordance with our state and federal laws while providing local oversight and direction as dictated by our community and the board.
Why are you running for the Dripping Springs ISD school board?
Because we are a fast-growth district and strong leadership is required for managing growth while expanding opportunities for our students for long-term success.
What is the biggest issue facing Dripping Springs ISD, and how do you plan to address it, if elected?
Growth, taxes, budget and legislative advocacy for every student in our district.
If elected, what goals would you aim to achieve as trustee?
Ultimately it is about maintaining the primary reason most people are attracted to Dripping Springs in the first place—a superior public school system while providing a positive and motivating learning environment for all our students.
What else do you want voters to know about you?
The most important part of the May 2023 election is the successful passage of the bond. In 10 years, nobody will recall who won or lost the trustee election, but the bond will set the stage for education in this community for the next 30-50 years. If the community decides to embark on a plan which utilizes portable buildings—it will impact what we pay teachers and staff and will affect the quality of education in our region—particularly compared to other districts. The standard is not to necessarily compete with Lake Travis, Wimberley, Eanes or Austin [ISDs]— this is a global economy, and we need to compete with Europe, Asia and other companies competing for intellectual and creative talent.

Rob McClelland
20 years of leadership experience in the U.S. military, business and nonprofit (church); extensive experience in governmental budgets, construction management, land acquisition, operations and logistics
director of operations
Candidate Website:
How has your experience prepared you to be a Dripping Springs ISD trustee?
I have had the privilege to lead organizations in the U.S. military, business and non-profit sectors. From leading a company of soldiers in Iraq to the logistics officer for the president of the United States in the White House Military Office, I have established myself as a hardworking guy who gets challenging things done! I welcome the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to the DSISD board of trustees, serving our Dripping Springs community.
Why are you running for the Dripping Springs ISD school board?
Our Dripping Springs community is in an exciting yet difficult time. We face the challenge of meeting the demands of a continuing population growth without compromising our friendly and familial sense of community that we have. Our public schools are on the forefront of this reality facing our community. It will take strong leadership to navigate both meeting the demands of new schools without losing sight of the current challenges that we are facing today.
What is the biggest issue facing Dripping Springs ISD, and how do you plan to address it, if elected?
Simply put: Growth. We need to meet the demands of a fast-growth district with a responsible and effective construction management plan. I plan to work to balance the need for new schools serving our growing population while concurrently addressing the challenge of higher tax bills for our residents (myself included) every year due to rising property values. I am committed to working with our state legislators and other elected leaders to accomplish both.
If elected, what goals would you aim to achieve as trustee?
I will work hard to establish a strong sense of trust with the community. A recent survey detailed that folks in Drip love our district but only moderately trust the board. I will work very hard to bridge that gap with effective communication, engagements with parents and teachers, and a promise to ensure our kids have the best teachers, the best administrators, and a governing body that empowers the very best of Texas public education.
What else do you want voters to know about you?
I am a father of two kids in the Dripping Springs Independent School District, a leader with 20 years of experience, and a veteran with two combat deployments under my belt. My only aim in seeking a seat on the school board is to serve this community in the best ways possible as I have worked diligently to do that most of my adult life. I welcome your support, your vote, and your prayers!

Jeffrey Aylstock
extensive leadership training; deep project management skill set; experience with financial analysis; solutions consultant; team and committee management training; Cub Scout pack and Boy Scout leader and committee chair; former soccer, baseball and basketball coach
global solutions consultant, Pure Storage Inc.
Candidate Website:
How has your experience prepared you to be a Dripping Springs ISD trustee?
I have been a leader in the tech industry for over 25 years. I have built strong technical, project and leadership skills and am excited to implement these skill sets within our great school district. I know that my experiences throughout my career can be applied to our decisions made here at the school board. I am ready to focus on the details of an issue and ask the hard questions that are needed.
Why are you running for the Dripping Springs ISD school board?
We as a community are growing exponentially and soon will be in a situation where overcrowding could be the new normal. We need to start thinking creatively and ensure we are thinking many years out with every decision. I know the board needs a person like myself that can dive into the analytical components of a problem and be able to present the results back to the board and to the public in an easy to read manner.
What is the biggest issue facing Dripping Springs ISD, and how do you plan to address it, if elected?
I want to prioritize how we address the information that we present and the way we engage with the public. Information that should be easily consumed is most often buried three to four layers deep in the website or not even published for public understanding. Better information gives u better results when focusing on the larger topics such as high growth and teacher retention. The job satisfaction of our teachers is of great importance to reduce attrition.
If elected, what goals would you aim to achieve as trustee?
I want to work with the administration to streamline our documentation structure throughout the district. Processes and procedures are key to better organization and they help promote what information is important and better defines the goals and outcomes. To build trust within the community and within the district we need to ensure that our board and administration is focused on the visionary and strategic goals for our district.
What else do you want voters to know about you?
My wife, Lila Aylstock; our two sons, Shawn and Blake; and myself moved here four years ago. Both boys currently attend DSISD at [Sycamore Springs Middle School] and [Cypress Springs Elementary School]. Blake will soon attend Sycamore Springs Middle School in the fall. We came from a school district that was failing their students due to the district’s policy mismanagement and the state's governmental overreach. I feel that it is our duty to ensure that what keeps Dripping Springs ISD successful doesn’t get derailed. I will make it my mission to call out any erroneous or overreaching policies.

Kim Cousins
classroom teacher and coach, Goose Creek CISD; district athletic director, Clear Creek ISD; high school assistant principal, Lake Travis High School, Lake Travis ISD; middle school principal, Hudson Bend Middle School, Lake Travis ISD; high school principal, Dripping Springs High School, Dripping Springs ISD; director of school, Austin School for the Performing and Visual Arts
lifelong educator
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
512 915 1826
How has your experience prepared you to be a Dripping Springs ISD trustee?
With a career in education spanning 40 years, I have direct experience with the issues that students and staff face on a daily basis. I have worked in school districts of all sizes and in school districts with multiple high schools, as well as one high school. If elected to the board, I will strive to bring that experience to the forefront as we support the superintendent in addressing the needs of DSISD.
Why are you running for the Dripping Springs ISD school board?
I am a lifelong educator because I love kids. I believe my background and experience have prepared me for this and will help me understand and work successfully with the unique needs of our community. My experience as an educator—working with the outstanding students, parents, teachers and administrators of this community—fuels my desire to ensure all DSISD schools maintain their high standards and continue their positive impacts in the Dripping Springs ISD community.
What is the biggest issue facing Dripping Springs ISD, and how do you plan to address it, if elected?
Growth is the biggest issue facing the school district, in my opinion. DSISD is the fastest-growing school district in Hays County. In the past five years, DSISD has grown by more than 2,000 students. As a board member, I would encourage the continuation of the Long Range Facilities Planning process and work on ways to increase community knowledge and support of the work of this important group.
If elected, what goals would you aim to achieve as trustee?
Building positive relationships throughout the district; maintaining fiscal responsibility and protecting taxpayer dollars; focus on increasing student achievement and closing achievement gaps; providing a safe and secure environment for students and staff; recruiting and retaining high quality district and campus leaders; and recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and staff
What else do you want voters to know about you?
Our daughter spent 13 years in DSISD. I was a PTA member for each school. I have served on numerous DSISD Committees, including the School Health Advisory Committee and district facilities committees. I earned my bachelor’s from Texas A&M University; master’s from Stephen F. Austin State University; and obtained my Mid-Management and Supervisor Certification, also at SFA. I have been married to my husband, Mark, for 21 years, and we have two children.