Even when school officially lets out May 28, Austin ISD will continue to offer free meals to children under the age of 19 through the summer.

The district beginning June 1 will be offering curbside meal service from 9-11 a.m. on weekdays at more than 70 locations in the district. The district is also offering food pickup at designated bus stops in the district, according to a May 21 update.

Both breakfast and lunch will be offered at the sites on a first-come, first-served basis, and weekend meal kits will be available for pickup on Fridays each week. To pick up meals, parents must be accompanied by a child or have documentation showing they care for a child who in Austin, such as a report card, letter from a school, a student ID or a birth certificate, according to AISD.

The following map of current food pickup locations has been provided by AISD and is subject to change.

In June, parents and guardians who are accompanied by children or with documentation can pick up a meal for themselves at the schools and bus stops.

Although schools have been closed during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and students have been learning from home since March, AISD has continued to offer meals to students through the end of the school year. More details about the district’s ongoing food distribution can be found here.