Council Member Taline Manassian expressed concern for the second time this month that the city’s temporary development moratorium is not preventing enough development. Manassian and Council Member April Harris Allison opposed one development Jan. 11, although the motion for a waiver still passed.
“I don’t care about this particular property,” Manassian said. “All I care about is, how are we applying our standards for this moratorium?”
The three approved waivers were for the Overlook at Bunker Ranch and the Hardy T Land South and North residential developments. The Bunker Ranch development sits at 2100 Creek Road and proposes to place 11 single-family homes on 18 acres. The Hardy South plat at 2901 W. Hwy. 290 includes 39 single-family lots with an on-site septic system. Developers propose the Hardy North plat will include 33 single-family homes and seven condominium units.
Council approved an extension of the moratorium Nov. 22 for 90 days so the city could develop a comprehensive plan and buy some time as the city faces maxed-out wastewater capacity. Those 90 days will come to an end in late February, when council will vote to extend or end the moratorium.