Octapharma Plasma offers various promotions for donations throughout the year, with a first-time donor bonus for those starting out. Each donor gets paid after each donation and can earn up to hundreds of dollars a month for a few hours each week donating plasma, said an Octapharma Plasma representative.
The representative said the initial visit will take longer than returning visits because of the initial donor suitability screening, which includes a video, medical history and brief health questionnaire. Return visits will take about an hour and will not include the initial health screening, the representative said.
Eligibility requirements include being age 18-70; being a minimum of 110 pounds; showing proof of a local address, ID and proof of a Social Security number; not having hepatitis, HIV, or Parvo B19; not having received a tattoo or piercing in the past four months; and not being pregnant.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires donors only donate twice within a seven-day period, with at least two days between donations.
For more information about donating with Octapharma Plasma, visit online at www.octapharmaplasma.com.