Crews will begin work installing mobility and safety improvements this spring along Slaughter Lane, from MoPac to Brodie Lane, according to a recent update from the city of Austin.

The details

The existing four-lane roadway from MoPac to Brodie Lane will be expanded to six lanes, adding a lane in either direction, according to city documents.

This phase of work joins a larger corridor project—spanning FM 1826 to Old Lockhart Road—aimed at increasing safety for pedestrians and bicyclists as well as increasing mobility.

Bike lanes and shared use paths along the roadway will also see safety improvements, including:
  • Curb extensions for safer crossings
  • Upgraded traffic signals
  • Pedestrian improvements at intersections like Brodie Lane and Bowie High School
  • The Zuniga Drive intersection will also feature a new Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
Work on the Slaughter Lane corridor began in 2021 and is funded by voter-approved 2016 mobility bonds as well as federal grant funding allocated by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, or CAMPO.

The new $22.9 million six-lane divided roadway is expected to be complete by summer 2026, according to city documents.