Work on the project's fourth phase began Jan. 19 and is expected to last two weeks. However, rain could cause delays, according to the city.
Detour signs have been placed in the area, and the city said the following lane closures can be expected.
- Northbound Hunter Road is reduced to one lane, and drivers turning right are encouraged to use Stagecoach Trail as an alternate route.
- Eastbound Wonder World Drive will be reduced to two lanes.
- Westbound Wonder World Drive will be reduced to two lanes, and drivers turning left are encouraged to use Stagecoach Trail as an alternate route.
Construction at the intersection, which began in November, includes two new pedestrian refuge islands intended to reduce crossing times for improved safety. Additional project features include updated signage, lane striping, adjusted signal timing and new bicycle lanes along Hunter Road.
The project was initially expected to cost $529,832, but the city said in the Jan. 19 news release that the project will cost a total of $713,196.
A Surface Transportation Block Grant from the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization provided $445,000 of the project's funding, and the rest, $268,196, was provided by the San Marcos Capital Improvements Program.