During a Jan. 5 meeting, City Council approved a $6,495,711 bid from Patin Construction for road improvements to Uhland Road. It was the lowest of four bids, with the other three ranging from $6,527,403-$7,070,814.

According to city documents, the project aims to alleviate flooding along County Road and Uhland Road to improve mobility during storms.

Improved drainage infrastructure includes a stormwater system with a new outfall to the Blanco River, and it will replace water and wastewater systems within the new roadway sections.

The project also includes a proposed single-lane roundabout at the Uhland and River Road intersection as well as a reconstruction of County, Uhland and a portion of River.

A sidewalk with a width varying from 6-10 feet is also planned from the I-35 frontage road to Aquarena Springs Drive.

Funds available for the project include $7,179,000 from the federal government and $1,136,000 from city water and wastewater funds, not all of which would be spent under the current plan.

The bid tabulation includes a $595,000 owner contingency—or city money meant to cover changes to the project.

According to city documents, a project engineer from Freese and Nichols—a design firm contracted for the project—recommended the bid be awarded to Patin Construction, which received seven positive references.

Patin Construction is based out of Taylor, Texas.