Rapid population growth in the city of Buda has raised transportation challenges that city officials hope to address with the development of the transportation and mobility master plan. The plan is set to create a “highly functioning transportation system that equally provides mobility to its residents and businesses,” city engineer John Nett wrote in an email.

The transportation and mobility master-planning process is a 12-month project that began in April. The goal of the project is to provide a comprehensive review of the city’s transportation system to facilitate the development of a multimodal network of roads, bicycle lanes, trails and transit services as well as integrate and support connectivity with the existing and planned regional transportation system, according to Nett.
Buda has experienced a population change of 97.32% between 2010 and 2018, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The transportation and mobility master plan will be developed upon completion of the project analysis, which will then serve as a comprehensive planning tool that will be used to identify and implement necessary capital improvements to the transportation system, Nett said.

The project has several major steps that it will complete: project management, existing condition inventory and gap analysis, complete street analysis, public participation program, future transportation trends analysis, transportation and mobility master plan preparation.

The existing transportation master plan of the city of Buda will serve as a separate reference document for the transportation and mobility master-planning project, Nett said. Other documents that will be referenced and reviewed for this project include the CAMPO 2040 plan vision and the Hays County transportation plan, among others, according to a transportation and mobility master plan presentation to City Council in May.

The mobility and transportation master-planning project is halfway through its completion process. The data collected has not yet been placed into a cohesive document, but a draft of the plan is projected to be completed by March, according to city officials. The next opportunity for public participation will be in early 2020.