The city allocated $160,007 to install a shade structure over the playground equipment and plans to have the project complete by Memorial Day weekend.
Sections of the playscape have been closed while the work is ongoing, but a news release from the city states Children's Park will remain open throughout the course of the project.
“We are excited to have the shade structure installed before summer begins and temperatures really warm up,” said Jamie Lee Case, assistant director of parks and recreation in the release. “We want to thank everyone for being patient while we make this great feature even better for the community.”
Also noteworthy is a creative touch being added to the playscape area by local artist J. Rene Perez.
Perez was hired through the San Marcos Parks & Recreation Department to create a new aesthetic for the facilities.
Nadine Bonewitz, senior communications specialist for the city of San Marcos, said he was also one of the original artists for the playscape's decorations.
Most of Perez' work is directly inspired by the city of San Marcos, and he is totally self-taught, according to his artist biography.
Included below are photos of some of Perez' ongoing improvements to Children's Park. For more on Perez and and his art, click here.