According to a release from the YMCA, more than 60 donations of approximately $8,200 and continued payments from members during the closure allowed the YMCA to provide local essential workers and healthcare providers with child care and offer virtual fitness programming, outreach to seniors and parent resources.
The Hays Communities YMCA reopened June 1 with new hours, services and practices due to coronavirus.
At the end of May, the board appointed Brian Carter as its new chairperson.
“For many within our area, the Y is their community center,” Carter said in a release from Hays Communities YMCA. “Our neighbors come here for child care, for programs that help them stay healthy and fit, and to participate in group sports and activities. There’s an eagerness from our members to restore that sense of community with each other.”
Hays Communities YMCA is located at 465 Buda Sportsplex Drive, Buda.
More information is available at