Starting Monday, the city of Buda will enter Stage 1 water restrictions. According to a news release, a lack of consistent precipitation and higher than normal demands on the water production system is what led to the city's decision to enforce water restrictions. As a result, the city of Buda has decided to enact Stage 1 water restrictions. Under Stage 1, restrictions include:
  • Water customers must abide by a twice-per-week outdoor irrigation schedule.
  • Outdoor irrigation is restricted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. on the customer’s designated watering day.
  • Odd-numbered residential addresses may water on Wednesday and/or Saturday, while even-numbered residential addresses may water on Thursday and/or Sunday.
  • Commercial, mixed-use and multifamily customers may water on Tuesday and/or Friday.
  • Swimming pools are allowed to operate and be filled as normal.
For a full list of restrictions, visit