
1. Cornerstone Animal Hospital 3200 FM 967 • 512-295-8100 www.cornerstoneanimal.com


2. Firehouse Animal Health Center 4100 Everett St., Ste. 100 512-410-0616 www.firehousekyle.com

3. Kyle Animal Hospital 100 Hall Professional Center 512-268-5003 www.kylevet.com

San Marcos

4. Animal Care Center of Hays County 2206 Hunter Road • 512-754-6333 www.vetcaresanmarcos.com

5. Banfield Pet Hospital 1050 McKinley Place Drive, Ste. 300 512-392-6570 www.banfield.com    

6. Four Paws Veterinary Hospital 8401 RR 12 • 512-396-7297 www.fourpawsvethospital.com

7. Kings Highway Animal Clinic 2121 S. Old Bastrop Hwy. 512-392-5877 www.kingshighwayanimalclinic.com

8. San Marcos Veterinary Clinic 1980 Old RR 12 • 512-392-7107 www.sanmarcosvetclinic.com

9. Springtown Veterinary Hospital 415 Springtown Way • 512-353-2717 www.springtownvet.com

10. Tickle Blagg Animal Hospital 1100 Hwy. 80 • 512-353-1871 www.tickleblagg.com

11. The Whole Horse 3330 Harris Hill Road • 512-396-2234 www.thewholehorse.com

12. Williams-Sebby Veterinary Clinic 150 Quail Run Drive • 512-396-1996 www.williams-sebbyvetclinic.com