The event will provide residents with the opportunity to view highlights from the plans and learn how to comment on both draft plans. The comment period lasts through Feb. 3.
So far, 3,000 community comments on the plans have been received throughout their development, representing more than 100 meetings and events throughout the process.
The Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan creates goals, objectives, mapping tools and policies for topics such as the environment, housing, land use, parks, resource protection, economic development and transportation in San Marcos.
The Downtown Area Plan focuses specifically on those issues surrounding the vision for the downtown area.
“The Vision SMTX Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Area Plan are both instrumental documents in defining and achieving the community’s vision for the future,” said Planning Manager Andrea Villalobos in the release. “As a growing community, these documents are tools to be used by city leaders, businesses, organizations, and residents for the next 10 to 20 years for key actions prioritized by our community.”
A pop-up event will be hosted at the San Marcos Farmers Market on Jan. 21 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the San Marcos Downtown Square, 111 E. San Antonio St., where residents can learn more about the plans, ask questions and pick up a take-home toolkit.