Buda City Council tabled a resolution July 19 to adopt a public improvement district, or PID, policy. The purpose of the PID policy is to provide direction to city staff and residents who will live within a PID. A PID is created by a majority of property owners in a district and allows them to finance enhanced amenities, services or public improvements.

According to City Attorney Alan Bojorquez, developers can make improvements to the city and amenities and leave room to adopt local preferences and factors. Bojorquez also stated that a PID is not a taxing entity.

An adopted PID policy provides guidance to city staff, property owners and residents of a PID, but it can be changed and revised to fit the needs of a community.

The city is considering adopting a PID as a means for funding infrastructure and new developments to balance residential and commercial growth. In order to establish a PID, a city has to enter an application process, which includes a fee and passing through City Council.

The council tabled the resolution to adopt a PID policy citing a need to improve certain aspects of the language in the policy. This included language under community benefits and how long it would take to pay for the total amount of creating a PID.

The resolution to adopt a PID policy will be brought back for discussion at the Aug. 2 council meeting.