Kyle officials are proceeding with caution toward reopening some of the city's facilities, but city staff stated any of that could change depending on what local pandemic numbers do over the next several weeks.

City Manager J. Scott Sellers said during the Sept. 15 City Council meeting that Sept. 21 is the targeted date for a limited reopening of city offices and City Hall, among other facilities.

Sellers said social distancing requirements will remain in place when applicable, including for rentals of city facilities.

For staff and guests returning to city offices, Sellers said safety protocols such as temperature checks and mask requirements will remain in place.

Two October events are, for now, going to be open in a limited capacity. Those include the Oct. 3 ribbon cutting for the city's Ash Pavilion as well as the Oct. 16 Movies at the Lake Event, which will be modified for social distancing.

"We will continue with the task force until we get past this," Sellers said.