The vegetation fire located on the 4400 Block of RM Road 150 in Buda has grown to reach 174 acres in size. Forward movement of the fire has been stopped, and no structures have been affected. The emergency shelter located at the Southern Hills Church of Christ has closed, according to the Hays County Office of Emergency Management.


Local emergency services departments are working to contain two fires in Hays County.

The Hays County Sheriff's Office ordered an evacuation notice at 4:12 p.m. in the area of 800 Engelke Road in Kyle due to a vegetation fire. The order was then lifted by the HCSO at 4:40 p.m., although it is unclear if the fire has been contained.

A closer look

The Hays County Office of Emergency Services and multiple Hays County fire departments are actively working multiple fires in the area between Sage Hill FM 150 W. and Ruby Ranch RM 967 in Buda. The fire is around 80 to 100 acres, according to the wildfire tracking website Watch Duty. The Hays County Office of Emergency Services asks residents to avoid the area and said in a Facebook post that evacuation notices will be sent through Warn Central Texas.

The location of the Buda fire is north of Indian Hills Trail, east of Teal Lane, west of Story Drive and north of Onion Creek. The fire is contained within the Onion Creek area, and no structures are in danger, according to the Hays County Office of Emergency Services.

An evacuation shelter for those impacted by the fire can be found at the Southern Hills Church of Christ, 3740 FM 967 in Buda.

This comes after Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra issued an advisory temporary hold on outdoor burning at 3:57 p.m. March 3 until March 5, due to forecasted high winds and dry conditions. According to a Facebook post from the Hays County Office of Emergency Services, the forecasted weather conditions greatly increase the potential of fires spreading rapidly.

Zooming in

A Red Flag Warning was also issued by the National Weather Service across all of South-Central Texas from 8 am. until 9 p.m. on March 4, due to sustained winds of 25 to 35 mph and forecasted gusts of 45 to 55 mph.

The size of the Kyle fire has not been reported as of 6:30 p.m. Community Impact will continue to provide updates as they are made available.

Updates on the fires can be found at www.haysinformed.com, and the Hays County Office of Emergency Services has established a non-emergency line at (512) 938-1600.