Learn more about the candidates vying for San Marcos CISD Single Member District 1 in the upcoming May 6 election. Early voting runs through May 1.

Candidates were asked to keep their responses under 75 words, answer the provided questions and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut for space, style and/or clarity.

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Philip Muzzy

Experience: M.Ed., former San Marcos High School special education teacher, coach; associate principal English as a second language & Gifted & Talented; business owner and Army veteran

Occupation: construction

Candidate Website: www.philmuzzy.com

Contact Information: 512-757-1606

What are your top three priorities if elected?

Safer and more positive learning environment in our secondary schools; increase academic achievement by closing learning gaps and increasing test scores; increase community engagement across language barriers.

How should San Marcos CISD handle continued growth in the district?

An effective school board identified both short-term and long-term student capacity needs, and plans accordingly. When growth benchmarks are met, plans are presented to the educational community, and if needed, bonds are voted on.

What would you do specifically as a trustee to involve residents and business owners in decision-making?

I would personally be proactive in asking for involvement; survey residents and business owners regarding current participation, and seek feedback on what we can do better; establish networks to link parents, businesses, and community leaders to the broader school community; and encourage teacher/student groups to engage with local businesses.

Jessica Cain

Experience: pastor

Occupation: parent of three SMCISD students; substitute teaching; Masters of Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary

Contact Information: 512-766-6921

What are your top three priorities if elected?

A. School safety—physical and mental—is of paramount concern. B. In SMCISD, 30% of residents live in poverty; my priority is continued support for students through food, supplies, well-funded extracurriculars, and other programs. C. As SMCISD grows, we must continue to provide a quality education to all students, as well as retain teachers.

How should San Marcos CISD handle continued growth in the district?

As stated above, the future of the district is one of my top priorities. The growth in this area is not slowing down, and so we much be future-thinking in all of the decisions that we make. This means ensuring that facilities, teachers, and staff are prepared for the increase in number of students.

What would you do specifically as a trustee to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?

When the board is making important decisions, I plan to engage the community through block-walking, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings just like during this campaign. The board exists to serve the community, which means that the people of this community should have a say in decisions.