Early voting for the Nov. 8 election will run from Oct. 24-Nov. 4.
Read Q&A's with each candidate below. Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the question provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Robert Rizo
three years on City Council, current mayor pro tem, TASK Force member, helped design various parks and the public safety center, background in construction and property management
commercial property management
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Public safety is priority No. 1, continuing to bring the new Public Safety Center online and creating recruiting opportunities for new officers. Infrastructure—identifying funding resources will be my top priority to help bring the road projects forward and allowing new development to contribute toward infrastructure as well. Economic development—businesses are now showing high interest in Kyle with 28 new restaurants, promoting Kyle’s Restaurant Incentive Program and increasing sales tax revenue.
How would you improve transportation within Kyle as well as within the San Antonio-Austin corridor in general?
The new Vybe trail will connect the entire city of Kyle. The trail system will provide travel throughout the city for residents via walking, jogging, running or golf cart. The studies have shown that this will help alleviate traffic on roadways. Bringing jobs, restaurants and [amenities] will keep Kyle residents from having to travel outside the city, reducing traffic on I-35, allowing them to live, work and play in Kyle.
What would you do specifically as a council member to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?
My three decades of volunteerism in the community keeps me very visible and engaged with the community as well as businesses. If re-elected, I will continue to volunteer and meet with residents weekly. Engaging with the community provides the opportunity to hear the voice of the Kyle citizens.
How would you work with state and Congressional leaders to solve local problems for Kyle?
In my three years as a council member, I have worked closely with state and Congressional leaders to bring much-needed resources to Kyle. During the pandemic and the 2021 winter storms, my relationships with other elected leaders allowed me to facilitate and bring resources to the citizens of Kyle and Hays County. Currently, we as a city are working on state and federal funding.

Miguel Zuniga
chemistry innovator and entrepreneur; 20-plus years in research and development, private and nonprofit sectors, including start-ups, real estate development; scientific educator
product development scientist
Candidate Website:
Facebook search: Zuniga for Kyle city council
Contact Information:
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Infrastructure is one key priority; planning needs to be strategic to sustain public streets, support public works, maintain essential services and reduce traffic congestion. Second priority: increase our tax revenue, bring in developments that add value to our community, retain our city staff and support local business. Third, provide public amenities, such as indoor recreation centers, build libraries and revitalize our downtown. Offer more health and wellness programs to residents to improve quality of life.
How would you improve transportation within Kyle as well as within the San Antonio-Austin corridor in general?
Build cooperation at every level, update technology, add more exit lanes on I-35 and widen the highway. Increase state highway funds, seek private funding and raise revenue through increasing fuel tax. Also, utilize and expand back roads with surrounding counties and cities to connect state Hwy. 290/[US] 281 and I-10 to get around I-35. Within Kyle, build more streets to connect east and west, add dedicated right-turn lanes, signal lights and roundabouts.
What would you do specifically as a council member to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?
Encourage town hall meetings so residents can engage directly with council; provide explanations to why some projects are prioritized or delayed. Be open to questions and discussions on the council, and be hands on with residents. Use all modes of social media to communicate with businesses and promote special meeting events or roundtables to hear from all business sectors. Listen to all residents and value each concern, and be visible to everyone.
How would you work with state and Congressional leaders to solve local problems for Kyle?
I will seek collaborations with local and state leaders to address property tax burdens and affordable housing in our community. We must also continue to have dialogue over recent fentanyl use in our schools. With more residents moving to our city, we need to strengthen our local food bank programs, special needs accommodations and mental health programs. With our recent drought conditions, we must invest in conservation and renewable efforts throughout the city.