Early voting for the Nov. 8 election will run from Oct. 24-Nov. 4.
Read Q&As with each candidate below. Candidates were asked to keep responses under 75 words, answer the question provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Jane Hughson*
mayor; council member; Planning and Zoning, Charter Review and Ethics commissions; three comprehensive plan committees; past president of Leadership San Marcos
mayor, city of San Marcos
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Workforce housing; economic development, including workforce development and downtown vitality; community safety.
How would you improve transportation within San Marcos as well as within the San Antonio-Austin Corridor in general?
The city is working with the university to combine the bus systems, which will provide the ridership for more frequent routes, a way for students to get to work off-campus and for more routes for all. We also sponsor the bus that runs between San Marcos and Austin.
What would you do specifically as mayor to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?
There are multiple opportunities. We have 29 boards and commissions who provide advisory information to the council. Citizen comments are welcome at regular meetings and work sessions. The staff outreach to the community for our Comprehensive Plan and other master plans is excellent through newspaper, social media and other methods. In addition, our email addresses and phone numbers can be found on the city website, and I encourage any resident to contact us.
How would you work with state and Congressional leaders to solve local problems for San Marcos?
We have a group in Washington ,D.C., who assists us with scheduling our annual trip to visit Congressional Representatives and Senators and explain our needs. They also ensure that we keep up with grant opportunities. We have a group in Austin who works with our Legislative Representative and Senator to ensure that they know of the needs in San Marcos. I have phone numbers for each, and we chat during the legislative session.

John Thomaides
Lonestar Rail board member, chair Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council, former City Council member, former mayor of San Marcos
business owner, Alpha Pure Water
Candidate Website:
Contact Information:
What would be your top three priorities if elected?
Studies show our Austin-San Antonio region doubling in the next 20 years. There is no doubt that San Marcos will receive its share of these new residents and businesses, so we must begin to take on the challenges created as a result head on. Critical issues like water, transportation, public safety, our environment, property taxes, housing that’s affordable and retaining our quality of life will be some of my top priorities.
How would you improve transportation within San Marcos as well as within the San Antonio-Austin Corridor in general?
I currently serve as the chair of the Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council, and as mayor I would continue to provide strong advocacy for inter-city passenger rail service [funded] at $66 billion in the 2021 Federal Infrastructure Bill. Our lack of housing that’s affordable is a crisis. I would work with our council for infill housing policies that reduce suburban sprawl, add housing choices and allow for nonautomobile forms of transportation that would benefit many citizens.
What would you do specifically as mayor to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?
We are blessed in San Marcos to have an engaged citizenry and business community willing to serve on city issue boards and committees. As mayor I would encourage new residents and additional business owners to get involved. If citizens donate their time, these recommendations should be respected and receive serious consideration. Citizen-driven plans that are approved by council should be adhered to, otherwise our citizens' time will have been wasted.
How would you work with state and Congressional leaders to solve local problems for San Marcos?
I have a proven record of investing the time necessary to engage with our state and federal elected officials and their staffs. While serving as mayor and as council member, I helped successfully deliver over $125 million to San Marcos through these efforts for projects like the Wonderworld Drive Extension and Railroad Overpass, Aquarena Springs Drive Railroad Overpass, 2015 Flood and Stormwater infrastructure for the east side and many San Marcos Airport improvements.