Local justice reform group Mano Amiga held a press conference April 19 in front of City Hall to update the community on the ballot initiative progress to have marijuana decriminalized in the city of San Marcos.

While the ballot initiative would not legalize marijuana, it would keep individuals from being charged with any type of crime associated with possession at the city level.

Sam Benavides, communications director and campaign fellow for Mano Amiga, told Community Impact Newspaper that the group has collected more than 7,000 signatures; however, only about 2,500 of those signatures are valid.

For the initiative to make it onto the November ballot, the group needs to collect 1,700 more valid signatures by May 29.

“While we’ve gathered to celebrate this upcoming holiday of 4/20, the celebration comes against the harsh reality that so many people’s lives have been irrevocably changed for the worse because our government chooses to cage people for cannabis, something that’s medical or recreational in more than half of our nation’s states,” Mano Amiga Policy Director Eric Martinez said.

Between Oct. 29, 2020 and Oct. 20, 2021, the possession of marijuana was the fourth most charged misdemeanor in Hays County, according to the county jail dashboard created in partnership with the Vera Institute of Justice.

Martinez added an arrest for the possession of marijuana can hinder a person’s ability to secure employment, financial aid, housing and child custody.

Mano Amiga partnered with the Hays County Democratic Party, the Hays County Libertarian Party and San Marcos Democratic Socialists of America to do community outreach, attend events and knock on doors for valid signatures from registered voters.

Despite the overwhelming support from the community the initiative has received, Mano Amiga is struggling to gather enough signatures from registered voters, Benavides said.

“We need everyone to have their boots on the ground in order to make this a successful campaign and keep our community safe,” Benavides said.

Mano Amiga has partnered with several local businesses that have petition forms ready for signatures.

Mano Amiga will also be at Puff in the Park, Lazy Daze, Zellick’s and The Porch on April 20 at 7, 8, 9 and 10 p.m., respectively, to collect more signatures.

Blank petition forms are available for community members who are interested in helping collect signatures through Mano Amiga.