City Council Position 2

Bobby Lane

Occupation: compliance specialist
Experience: 17 years with Buda City Council as council member, mayor pro-tem and mayor. Served on boards of directors for two volunteer fire departments. Over 45 years with the State of Texas in various roles. 35+ with Health and Human services in audit and program management, more recently in the Internal Audit and Compliance Division with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
What would be your top priorities if you are elected?
BL: 1 – Support and improve economic development:

a. Primarily through a cooperative working relationship with the Buda EDC. This organization is the prime conduit for bringing new business prospects and the city together to negotiate potential incentives for economic growth.

b. Second, conduct a thorough review of comments from potential new businesses regarding navigating the permitting processes with the City. Are there opportunities to streamline the review and permitting processes to expedite new businesses.

c. Third, canvas existing business owners/companies to solicit their recommendations to facilitate their growth/expansion.

d. Fourth, coordinate with the Chamber of Commerce to bring open communications between the City, EDC and Chamber.

2 – Coordinate with the EDC and Chamber to recruit new business/industry for Buda.

a. Clean, environmentally conscientious businesses. More technology-based activity. We also need to continue to present an inviting atmosphere to bring additional commerce/trade to the downtown historic district.

3 – Work with the county and state to improve highway/road infrastructure.

Continue efforts to improve traffic flows/control. Consider carpool parking/shuttles. Identify critical hours of demand for transportation services. Determine how to maximize traffic flow with minimal impact on neighborhoods. Traffic flow continues to be a challenge for the city as we attempt to manage traffic for the growing population in and around Buda.

Monica Davidson

Occupation: owner of Glow Laser and Beauty
Experience: I currently sit as Vice President of the Buda Economic Development Corporation as well as a board member for the Hays Education Foundation. As a local business owner, I am extremely active and involved in my community and stay abreast of local, state and federal laws, changes and policy that can affect Buda, our education system and small businesses.
What would be your top priorities if you are elected?
MD: I was born and raised in Buda and am raising my children 4th generation here. I have owned 3 businesses now in Buda and my community is a priority to me. My top priority in running for City Council is to involve our constituents more and provide education on how our local government works. Our demographic wants to be able to live, work and play in our city as much as possible. To do this, we need to be able to provide jobs, entertainment, dining, child care and other quality of life opportunities. When I hear feedback from our community regarding new businesses coming to Buda, we seem to miss the mark sometimes on what we are actually wanting rather than what we can get. Buda is better than that and I want to make our city desirable for bigger industrial type employers and entertainment/shopping districts to serve our neighbors. Encouraging our community to participate in the process and actually understand how our city operates is essential to everyone working together to make Buda's future amazing!