Over 40,800 ballots were cast across Hays County during the 2020 primary elections.

The voter turnout for the 2020 presidential primary election was the third highest in the last 20 years. The first- and second- highest primary election turnout in Hays County was in 2008 and 2016, respectively, according to county records.

In addition to a high voter turnout, the number of registered voters in the county is at an all-time high. In the last 20 years, Hays County has seen a growth of 82,343 registered voters.

Though this year was the third-highest turnout, Hays County did not experience any complications in polling locations, according to Jennifer Anderson, elections administrator and voter registrar for Hays County.

“This was a very successful primary election,” Anderson said. “I do think there’s a high interest in this presidential race, so I do think that will increase participation in November.”

Here is a breakdown of voter turnouts of presidential primary elections in Hays County over the last 20 years: