San Marcos CISD board members approved the purchase of an additional 100 Wi-Fi hot spots for students at an April 20 meeting as the district continues remote classroom instruction for the rest of the 2019-20 school year.

The hot spots will cost the district $16,500, according to the SMCISD board book. Previously, the district had authorized the purchase of 500 hot spots for students with no internet access as it moved forward with online instruction due to the pandemic.

Board members also authorized the purchase of teacher laptops and device repair parts for students. The laptops and repair parts will cost the district $10,000.

Other district notes

Board members discuss mixed-use complex project

Streamline Advisory Partners, a privately owned development company, held a presentation April 20 for board members to discuss the possibility of developing the district property located at 211 Lee St., San Marcos—home to the nonprofit Centro Cultura Hispano de San Marcos—into a mixed-used complex.

The proposed development would incorporate CCHSM into a complex that would serve as the district’s headquarters. The complex would be shared by both entities. In addition, an income-restricted housing complex would be developed.

The cost of the project would be paid by the developer in the amount of $37 million.

The income-restricted housing complex would create 176 apartment units reserved for residents making 30%-70%
of the area median income.

Streamline Advisory Partners spokesperson Joel Pollack
said the district would pay an annual lease but would also share cash flow generated from the apartment complex. The developer would also donate $250,000 to CCHSM and would partner with the nonprofit to provide social services to its residents, as Streamline Advisory Partners intends to apply for the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, Pollack said.

Many questions were raised by board members about the project, including space and
CCHSM's role. The presentation was described as a vision, with future discussions still to come.