At its Nov. 12 meeting the San Marcos CISD board of trustees unanimously approved a districtwide improvement plan, which was developed after the district in August received a state-issued grade of 72 out of 100 in overall performance.

The state’s grading of all Texas school districts focused on how well students do at the end of the school year; performance improvement over time and how that compares to similar schools; as well as the closing-gaps domain, which evaluates districts on the performance of different populations of students. SMCISD earned a 72, 76 and 63, respectively.

Going forward, according to the improvement plan, the district will focus on improving student achievement in reading, language arts, math, science and social studies. It will also aim to increase college- and career-readiness as well as the graduation rate.

In order to achieve its goals, SMCISD states in the plan that it will engage parents and the community in strategic planning processes. Additionally, one of the plan’s stated goals is to achieve safe and healthy schools by way of anti-bullying and suicide prevention.

SMCISD has committed to reviewing and revising district- and school-specific safety plans in collaboration with local agencies such as the Texas School Safety Commission and the San Marcos Police Department.