San Marcos City Council members voted to postpone the May 2 special election for Place 5 and discussed economic relief efforts at a March 31 meeting.

The special election comes after Joca Marquez, a San Marcos City Council member, resigned her seat on council March 9.

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the San Marcos City Council exercised its emergency ordinance power to repeal the ordinance that called for a special election May 2. Subsequently, a new ordinance with a new election date and new filling dates will be adopted.

San Marcos City Council members also discussed economic relief efforts in place and those underway to help alleviate the financial strain the pandemic has caused workers, renters and small businesses.

The city has already placed a hold on utility disconnections, and it will be waiving late fees—this action will be re-evaluated after 90 days—and payment arrangements are also available.

In addition, the city is conducting an analysis to reallocating Community Development Block Grant funds to help small businesses as well as exploring potential partnerships with local financial sectors.

Another relief effort underway is an ordinance that would allow tenants 90 days to pay rent before landlords can begin eviction proceedings. San Marcos City Council will be voting for the ordinance at its April 7 meeting.