Kyle City Council directed city staff to come up with a plan to fully staff the James Adkins Pool at a meeting June 21. This follows the June 7 meeting where Parks and Recreation Director Mariana Espinoza announced the pool will only be open Fridays and Saturdays from 1-5:30 p.m. for public open swim starting June 24 due to a lifeguard shortage.

Swimming lessons generally offered by the city have also been halted as a result of the lifeguard shortage.

"It is summer, and there are a lot—especially on the east side [of Kyle]—a lot of places and subdivisions that do not have swimming pools. So what I want to offer the residents is an opportunity to just go swimming, which I think is a really basic [amenity] to offer," Council Member Yvonne Flores-Cale said.

In previous years, the pool was fully staffed and open six days a week, six hours per day for open swim; the upcoming plan will aim to reach these days and hours of operation.

The city of Kyle is only one of the many cities across Texas facing lifeguard shortages and, as a result, have approved a $250 sign-on bonus. The current pay for lifeguards through the city is $13 an hour with an additional $2 per hour once an individual is certified.

The plan will be presented at an upcoming council meeting July 5.