CM Allen Parkway in San Marcos will close between Hopkins Street and University Drive for reconstruction of the roadway beginning July 30. CM Allen improvements include reconstructing the roadway, adding a 12-foot multiuse pathway on the river side, a 6-foot sidewalk on the downtown side, a 10-foot multiuse pathway link to the river, street parallel parking, trees and landscaping, street and pedestrian lighting to match downtown lighting, a crosswalk at Hutchison, realignment of the Hutchison and Plaza Park parking lot intersections, and green infrastructure. Final completion of the project is expected in August 2019. Vehicular traffic will be detoured to Edward Gary Street with accommodations to handle the additional traffic. The northern Hopkins and University pedestrian crossings of CM Allen will also be closed. Special pedestrian accommodations will occur during the city’s Sights and Sounds of Christmas celebration later this year. Events will still take place in the San Marcos Plaza Park area, and the Fish Hatchery Building will still be accessible for rental. However, the Plaza Park parking area will be closed for the duration of the project. Alternative parking will be available during non-business hours at the city of San Marcos Parks Department parking lot. Other parking areas include the City Rec Center parking lot across the river and the Veramendi Plaza Park parking area. The city of San Marcos Parks Department parking lot includes a handicap parking space with access to the San Marcos Plaza Park area and the Fish Hatchery Building.