The Kyle Planning and Zoning Commission rejected rezoning two pieces of land along Dacy Lane from agricultural region to a recreational vehicle location to make room for a future R.V resort. During the commission's meeting Tuesday, several residents for the Kensington Trails neighborhood spoke against having a trailer park near their subdivision, citing safety issues and potential decreases in property value. Danny Green, who represents the landowners Dena Campbell and Dedra Green, said a trailer park was not the plan but instead “a highly regulated upscale R.V. resort catering to area residents and visitors.” After clarification about the difference between an R.V. resort and a trailer park in that area of Kyle, commissioners such as Pete Oppel began voicing other concerns. “Wow, what a beautiful spot,” Oppel said. “However, I just can’t get passed the thought that it’s in the flood zone.” Inspector Marcus Peterson of the Kyle Fire Department told commmissioners there are life safety concerns building on the proposed area. Because the area is in the downstream drainage zone from the apartments and mobile homes on Bebee Road to the Northwest region, is in the runoff area for the hospital and commercial regions to the Southwest and is in a known area for flooding. “The propensity for erratic water behavior and risk of flooding would create a high risk for life safety to residents occupying that acreage, to firefighters, other first responders and rescue workers,” Peterson said. While Comm. Jo Fenety said it was a hard decision to make, she did not want people to think that her decision was based on comments that had a “not in my backyard” mentality, in reference of residents resenting a R.V. park along the stretch of Dacy Lane at the Kyle Parkway terminus going north. “I’ve got the bridge being flooded on my brain. I've got the beauty of the site in my brain. I’ve also got, ‘What the heck is this man going to do with his land if we don’t let him do this?’” Fenety said. Additional concerns from commissioners included land not having adequate vehicular access and wastewater connections, which could cause contamination to nearby creeks or floodways. Following a thorough discussion with Kyle Director of Planning Howard Koontz, City Planner William Atkinson and Green, commissioners voted to 6-1 to not recommend the zoning change to Kyle City Council. Comm. Rick Koch dissented. The proposal will be presented to City Council for first reading on Oct. 17.