The gist
The first transportation contract is a supplemental agreement with Halff Associates for the Wyoming Springs Segment 1 project. If passed, the $219,814 contract would allow the city to hire a bridge inspector with more expertise than the in-house staff, Assistant Director of Transportation Gerald Pohlmeyer said at a Feb. 11 agenda packet briefing.
Another item on the upcoming agenda would allow the city to acquire land necessary for the right-of-way for the North Mays Gap Road Project. The acquisition will cost $835,000.
“[It] seems like an incredible amount for .323 of an acre," Pohlmeyer said. "Unfortunately, this is one of those properties that has a long-term property lease on it, where the lease is not just for the structure—the lease is for the entire site.”
A contract with Cash Construction Company for the Chisholm Trail South Project will also be up for vote. The project is in the design phase and this item would push it closer to construction, which is slated to start this spring.
“On this job, the scheduling and sequencing of how we’re going to do the work was very important with the very limited space we have and working with the businesses there,” Pohlmeyer said.
The $4.2 million contract is the second lowest bid.
“After looking at the entire package, we feel that Cash Construction provides the best value for the city and they absolutely by far provided the most complete package that we could review,” Pohlmeyer said.
About the projects
Construction on Wyoming Springs began in December to create a four-lane divided roadway and shared-use paths from Creek Bend Boulevard to Old Settlers Boulevard, extending over Brushy Creek with a bridge segment.
The North Mays Gap Road project, nearing completion, will create a small five-way section to connect the south to north portions. Because businesses, landscaping and signage are close to the road, the city has had to acquire nearby strips of land.
"That gives us enough room to build another lane and push out the sidewalks to put in the standard features that we would on one of our arterials," Pohlmeyer said.
Project features for the Chisholm Trail project include new asphalt for two middle lanes, upgrades to the drainage and parking, new curb, new sidewalk, antique street lights, and improvements to intersections and street crossings.
“When it’s all done, it’s going to be a brand new area that I think everyone is going to be proud of," Pohlmeyer said.