“You can’t hide someone’s passion about service,” Mayor Craig Morgan said.
In their own words
Also described with a “servant’s heart” by Council member Rene Flores, Baker received a wave of praise and accolades from council members and city staff.
“You’ve been a great mentor; you have a calm leadership,” Council member Kristin Stevens said.
Baker cited family responsibilities as his reason for not running for re-election.
“[City Council] has truly been one of my most favorite jobs,” Baker said. “... But as I mentioned previously, I need to shift focus... It's time to focus on [my boys]. They're going into a very critical time of their lives and I don't want to miss those memories.”
Quote of note
“More than anything, I know you're one hell of a father. And I know why you're going home, to be with those boys that we've watched grow up. So to [your wife] and to the boys, thank you for sharing him with us for the six years," Morgan said.
Also of note
After celebrating Baker, Melissa Fleming was sworn in to her new position as Place 3 Round Rock City Council member, and Stevens was re-sworn in for her Place 5 position. Fleming's addition to council marks the first time in history the city has seen a predominantly female leadership, according to Morgan.