Roughly 30 acres directly north of Chandler Creek subdivision in Round Rock was rezoned to light industrial land use.

The overview

Round Rock City Council approved the rezoning request Oct. 26, changing the land use from designated business park zoning to light industrial.

Some residents expressed strong opposition to rezoning the property.

“Converting the zoning to industrial can lead to increases in light pollution, noise pollution, air pollution and safety issues,” Deborah Mosebar, local resident, said. “The transition to industrial zoning may result in the deterioration of the integrity of our neighborhood and potentially affect the health and well being of our residents.”

Several residents called for transparency regarding the potential property buyer.

“Not knowing what is going to be built is a huge concern,” Woody Warren, Chandler Creek Home Owners Association president, said. “I understand you can't stop progress, but I do think that conversations can be had.”

Around 50 members of the Chandler Creek community signed a petition opposing the rezoning request, according to resident remarks at the council meeting.

The rezoning request required two readings before its approval.

The details

Between the first and second readings, city staff reported working with residents and coordinating discussions with the property owner.

“These decisions don’t get any easier on vacant tracts of land in this city. And they’re not going to get any easier... I do appreciate when both parties sit down and can have a conversation without yelling at each other,” Mayor Craig Morgan said.

The applicant submitted a letter outlining several specific community concerns they will respect as the development of the property moves forward. The development stipulations will also remain with the property regardless if the property is sold, according to Council.

Some of the requirements outlined in the letter as well as others included in city codes for light industrial development include:
  • Loading zones face away from any residential neighborhoods
  • 100-foot setback from the residential property line
  • Required landscaping, including an 8-foot masonry wall and evergreen trees
  • Compliance with city dictated reduced noise-levels after hours
  • Lighting shields, preventing light from encroaching on residential property