The largest bond proposal in Round Rock history is expected to come before city officials by February to meet a deadline for a May election.

Under consideration are up to $274 million in general obligation and certificates of obligation bonds to fund projects intended to improve quality of life and enhance public safety.

Many of the projects included in the bond proposal, such as a new high-speed driving track for the Public Safety Training Center, new sports facilities and additional fire stations, are already in various stages of long-term planning, according to city information.

City staff and elected officials met for a workshop at the Round Rock Police Department Dec. 8 to discuss projects and priorities for the possible upcoming bond election.

At that workshop, Assistant City Manager Brooks Bennett said city officials anticipate the council could call the bond election at a meeting set for Feb. 9, three months ahead of the May 6 election.

While individual propositions and exact wording for the bond have not been made official, the city has programmed around $230 million for proposed quality-of-life improvements and $44 million for public safety items, should the voters approve the use of funds.

If approved, bond funds will also allow for maintenance of existing city facilities and infrastructure. Bennett pointed out that new projects will likely be built to a higher standard than previous ones, as the city of Round Rock now has a General Services Department.

“Now that the Clay Madsen Center is coming up on 30 years old, we’re discovering as we’re making renovations that some corners were cut,” Bennett said.

He said the department often works directly with contractors and vendors to ensure the quality of work is up to par, preventing newer projects from needing as much maintenance down the line.

The 2023 bond could also include roughly $147 million in additions and upgrades to Old Settlers Park, such as relocation of the tennis courts and an expansion of the multipurpose complex.

Susan Morgan, city of Round Rock chief financial officer, said between the maintenance and operations rate as well as the debt rate, the total tax rate—should voters pass the bond—is expected to increase $0.069, or roughly a $21 increase per month in property taxes for the median homeowner.