Learn more about the candidates running for the Texas House of Representatives District 52 ahead of the Nov. 5 election. Early voting will be available Oct. 21-Nov. 1.

Candidates running for District 52 were asked to email responses to the following questions, keep responses within 50 words and avoid attacking opponents. Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

* Indicates an incumbent

Caroline Harris Davila

Experience: Eight years working in the Texas Legislature; Masters of Public Affairs, University of Texas

Occupation: Nonprofit work

Contact Information: 832-656-1651

What will be your top priorities if you are elected?

I’m committed to protecting our kids, lowering taxes, and securing the border. We need to address rising costs, and while inflation is driven by decisions in D.C., I will continue to support a balanced budget and fight waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money in Texas.

What uniquely qualifies you for this position?

I was recognized as Freshman of the Year in my first legislative session for my strong advocacy and accomplishments. I've lived in our community for over two decades and have spent many years volunteering in my local church and for other organizations in our community.

What do you see as the greatest challenge for you district, and how will you improve it?

As Williamson County grows, water and infrastructure will be ongoing concerns. I've successfully secured state support for our cities to address these issues and remain committed to finding solutions that help our community thrive.

What is something you want residents of your district to know about you?

Living in Williamson County for more than two decades, I have a deep connection to our community's values. I'm not just an advocate—I'm a champion for preserving our quality of life and fostering positive growth. I want to ensure that future generations enjoy the same opportunities I did.

Jennie Birkholz

Experience: National healthcare leader; public education advocate; served as White House advisor; mom

Occupation: Small business owner

Contact Information: 512-581-1938

What will be your top priorities if you are elected?

Strengthen our public schools with increased funding, teacher pay raises, and increased student supports. Fight school voucher scams. Protect a woman’s right to access healthcare and make personal decisions about family planning. Ensure affordable and accessible healthcare. Address housing affordability, and support Texan workers, families and retirees.

What uniquely qualifies you for this position?

With extensive healthcare leadership experience and strong community ties, I understand the challenges faced by families in HD52. My commitment to public service fuels my advocacy for meaningful change. I will bring together diverse voices to address critical issues like healthcare access and education, ensuring a brighter future for our community.

What do you see as the greatest challenge for you district, and how will you improve it?

Our district is growing, attracting residents with diverse jobs, excellent schools, and affordable living. However, these qualities are eroding due to state government self-interest. Despite a taxpayer surplus, school funding hasn’t increased since 2019, and housing costs are rising while healthcare accessibility declines. I will prioritize our community's needs and deliver solutions.

What is something you want residents of your district to know about you?

After decades of community work, I am called to serve our district and confront its biggest challenges. I recognize the disconnect between policymakers and residents. Our community values public schools, reproductive healthcare freedom, and affordability. This election, vote your values and help create meaningful change that ensures every Texan has access to opportunity.