District parents will now receive notification for any violent activity on Round Rock ISD property and sponsored activities that constitutes a "serious or continuing threat" to the campus community, after officials gave final approval on a policy update.

What you need to know

RRISD officials approved an update to the district's policy guiding how parents will be notified of violent activity on district property on its second reading Dec. 16.

The details

The board policy CKC Local was updated to include language mandating how parents are notified of violent activity at district campuses, facilities and sponsored activities.

Per the policy addition, "notification must be issued for every incident that may pose a serious or continuing threat to the campus community."

The new policy languages states that district and campuswide notifications will be needs-based.

Remember this?

The policy was one of several to be updated in December, but was pulled for a second reading in January. It was approved as part of the consent agenda.