Board President Amber Landrum said March 23, she and Superintendent Hafedh Azaiez visited TEA Deputy Commissioner Steve Lecholop on March 6 to discuss the status of the district’s corrective action plan and the development of an exit plan.
“He was very clear that neither he nor TEA as a whole wanted to extend any interventions, for example, in our case, a monitor, to lasting longer than absolutely necessary,” Landrum said. “He did review our two most recent monitor reports to demonstrate proficiency as it related to our corrective action plan.”
Landrum said the review of progress on the board’s corrective action plan would be the start of next steps for ending the intervention.
TEA monitors report on the activities of the board of trustees or the superintendent. According to RRISD documents, a complaint against the district from October 2019 stated previous Board President Chad Chadwell did not recuse himself from discussion about a grievance against himself, alleging a conflict of interest and board overreach. The TEA installed a monitor for RRISD in September 2021, announcing in December of that year its assignment of former Carroll ISD Superintendent David Faltys to the district.