Round Rock ISD will discuss ongoing mask mandates in the district and could vote to change its practices at its April 15 meeting, according to the meeting’s agenda.

Currently, RRISD mask protocols require individuals to wear masks on buses, other district vehicles, inside school buildings and anywhere on school grounds, said Jenny Caputo, the district’s chief of public affairs and communications.

Caputo said the item to review the Texas Education Agency’s health guidelines was placed onto the agenda at the request of trustee Danielle Weston.

Through the district’s online message board, Weston suggested two changes to the health guidelines that she said would address learning concerns for younger students and improve safety during the hot summer months.

One proposed change would remove the mask requirement for all students under the age of 10. The second would allow any person who is outdoors or participating in physical activity not to wear a mask, according to Weston.

Caputo said the district is working with local health partners who believe masks continue to be important tools in keeping district students and staff safe.

“Current Texas Education Agency guidance provides that school systems may require the use of masks or face shields for adults or students for whom it is developmentally appropriate, and schools should work closely with local health authorities as we weigh operational decisions,” she said. “While the board of trustees has the authority to alter or remove our current mask protocol, Round Rock ISD district administration strongly recommends it should remain as-is for the remainder of the spring semester. ”

The RRISD school board meeting is scheduled for April 15 at 5:30 p.m. and will be held virtually.