Round Rock Cares, a charitable fund originally created to assist those impacted by the February 2021 winter storm, has been activated once again to assist those impacted by March tornadoes, according the city of Round Rock.

Mayor Craig Morgan and Nyle Maxwell, Greater Round Rock Community Foundation chair, announced the fund's activation March 25. When the fund's activation was announced, benefactors including the Nelson Family Life Foundation, Dell Technologies, the Greater Round Rock Community Foundation, the city of Round Rock, the Round Rock Chamber, Emerson, the Jay Latham family, the Nyle Maxwell family and the Jim Boles family committed over $260,000 to the fund.

The Greater Round Rock Community Foundation manages donated funds. All donations are 100% tax deductible, according to the city.

“The sense of community is not just about belonging, but about coming together to make something happen,” Maxwell said in the announcement. “Our community’s leaders are stepping up with very generous donations, but it’s not enough. We saw our residents step up and support their neighbors during the pandemic, and now we are asking our community to help us provide assistance to those in need.”

Applications for tornado assistance funded through Round Rock Cares will become available in the near future, the announcement states. More information is available at