Update Wednesday 8:52 a.m.: "I think the bond proposition carried some initiatives for the infrastructure that we’ve been working on for several years. I’m glad that we've taken the steps to move forward with some of the projects we’ve kept on the shelf for a while," Gonzales said. "I appreciate and definitely applaud the voters for supporting those bonds that will definitely make Pflugerville a better place to get around in." Update 9:10 p.m.: With more than 92 percent of votes counted, the city of Pflugerville's bond proposition was passed by voters. Recorded votes have Pflugerville residents passing the bond proposition with 69.15 percent of the vote, or 10,325 voters. Community Impact Newspaper will update this article with the final vote numbers. Update 7:42 p.m.: Early voting returns show 14,881 city of Pflugerville residents voted for the bond proposition. That is more than 4,000 more voters than all ballots cast for city of Pflugerville propositions in the the 2014 midterm election. Original post: Early returns show city of Pflugerville voters favoring the city's bond proposition. According to election returns, 69.13 percent of voters approving the lone city of Pflugerville bond, which calls for specific roadway improvements. Early results show 14,881 city of Pflugerville voters having cast a ballot in the early voting period. The proposition lists four roadway projects—Colorado Sand Drive, Kelly Lane, Old Austin-Hutto Road and East Pflugerville Parkway—that collectively account for $21.1 million in bond funds. The $21.1 million in bond funds is a fraction of the $400 million collection of projects that City Council discussed in May. At that time dozens of capital improvement projects were listed as potential bond items, including parks projects, infrastructure and utility improvements. Election Day results are expected to come in shortly after 7 p.m. Community Impact Newspaper will update results as they continue to come in.