Hutto Public Works crews are in the process of relocating water lines and installing underground sewer lines along Live Oak Street, according to the release. The storm sewer lines will help remove open ditches in the surrounding area as a method of drainage, per the release.
“Our crews are already on the ground doing the work and improvements our residents asked,” Hutto City Manager Odis Jones said in the release. “Every street in Old Town will be touched in this project, whether it is to repair, replace or maintain, in addition to the well-known flooding and drainage issues in this area will be addressed as approved by Council in January.”
Improvements set for FM 1660 include drainage and road maintenance work as well as intersection improvements, the release confirmed. Engineers are currently designing remaining streets and drainage improvement projects planned throughout Old Town.
The Live Oak Street improvement project is Hutto's first to be done entirely by city staff and city-owned equipment, per the release.
“Having our crews perform this work has allowed us to use the budget on this project more efficiently and do more of what our residents have asked,” Jones said in the release.
On the horizon, the city will also address phase 2 and 3 improvements, which include:
Phase 2
- West Street from Farley Street north to Hutto Street
- Pecan Street from West Street east to East Street
- East Street from Pecan Street north to Hutto Street
- Metcalfe Street from West Street east to East Street
- Hutto Street from West Street to East Street
- West Street from US 79 to Farley Street
- Main Street from US 79 to Hutto Street
- Pecan Street from East Street east to College Street
- Metcalfe Street from East Street to FM 1660
- Hutto Street from East Street to FM 1660