Pflugerville City Council approved a construction contract for the Gilleland Creek Pool renovation project during the meeting Tuesday night. The contract was awarded to Atlantis Pool Plastering Inc. for a bid of $774,894, the lowest of two bids that the city received. The project will be funded by the city’s general capital reserve fund. The plan for the renovation includes a complete replumbing of the swimming pool, new pumps and mechanical equipment, replastering of the entire pool, a new mechanical enclosure, new mainlines, a continuous gutter system and other electrical and mechanical improvements. City officials said the pool, located at 700 Railroad Ave., was constructed in the early 1990s and is need of improvements. In its current state, the pool does not meet several health and safety codes. The renovations would bring it up to those codes. The contract is for 120 days, which would complete the renovation before swimming season begins.