Judge Laura Barker[/caption]

Laura Barker

• To be a principled conservative judge who protects the Constitution and defends the rule of law
• To be tough on violent crime in order to keep our families safe, which is why I am the choice of law enforcement and first responders
• To honor our veterans by running a compassionate Veterans Treatment Court, which gives a second chance to our veterans who have sacrificed so much for our freedoms

512-943-9801 • www.laurabarkerforjudge.com
[email protected]

Judge Warren Oliver Waterman[/caption]

Warren Oliver Waterman

• Maintain the integrity of the judicial process by strict adherence to the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct while upholding the Constitution and laws of the United States and of the Great State of Texas
• Commit to the success of all participants in both the Veterans Treatment Court and the DWI/Drug Court program through rigorous accountability, intensive treatment, regular and random testing, and use of sanctions when warranted to help keep Williamson County safe
• Develop more efficient case management through implementation of an uncontested docket to speed disposition of criminal cases because justice delayed is often justice denied

512-590-9333 • www.wow4judge.com
[email protected]