The comprehensive plan, titled Round Rock 2030, includes a future land-use map with proposed zoning designations. The map establishes “the general distribution, location, and extent of land-uses which include open space, residential, commercial, etc.,” according to the draft plan. Round Rock 2030 also includes 12 policies, developed through gathering public input via meetings, online surveys and other engagement efforts over the past year.
The policies include: improving quality of life, focusing on economic development, revitalizing downtown, maintaining and repurposing older commercial centers, maintaining older neighborhoods, preserving historic buildings, enhancing roadway function, enhancing transportation mobility, enabling a mixture of housing types, encouraging mixed-use development, adapting development codes to change, and promoting environmental sustainability.
The comprehensive plan is broad by design, suggesting an overall vision that will guide land use and development for the next 10 years, according to city staff.
Staff has been gathering community input through a series of public meetings, online surveys, presentations and other efforts for over a year.
Following the open houses and office hours this month, the Round Rock 2030 draft plan will be presented to City Council this spring. Council’s vote on whether to adopt the future land-use plan is expected in late spring or early summer.