The Round Rock ISD board of trustees voted in August to place a
$508.4 million bond proposal on the November ballot.
All of the proposed projects were identified by the board as “critical needs” for the district. Some appeared on the voter-defeated May 2017 bond proposal and have since been altered to come with smaller price tags.
One of those proposed is a districtwide indoor aquatic practice facility that would accommodate swimming practice and lessons and host small competitions.
An aquatic practice facility was initially proposed in the voter-defeated May 2017 bond election as a $22 million facility to be located at the southeast corner of the A.W. Grimes Boulevard and CR 112 intersection.
The project moved forward onto the 2018 bond proposal after staff was able to scale the proposal back to a smaller, less expensive facility.
A proposed location for the natatorium has not been selected.
See the full list of proposed bond projects here.