District and school targets

Results from the 2014-15 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR, tests were released this summer.
Community Impact Newspaper publishes STAAR results by campus and by district. The following charts show how students performed on the annual exams as well as district information such as enrollment numbers and feeder school patterns.
In August districts and campuses received ratings of Met Standard, Met Alternative Standard or Improvement Required based on STAAR and end-of-course exam results from the 2014-15 school year and other indicators.Accountability ratings

2014-15 statisticsDistrict results by grade

Elementary schools

Middle schools

High schools

2015-16 Round Rock ISD Feeder Pattern

2015-16 Round Rock ISD school boundaries

Feeder charts have been updated for further clarification. Some elementary schools feed into more than one middle school, and some middle schools feed into more than one high school. Visit www.roundrockisd.org for more information.