Tuesday marked the 30-days-out line for the November Pflugerville City Council election. Six total candidates are vying for three spots on the dais — with two competing in each race. Tuesday was also the deadline for each candidate to submit his or her most recent campaign finance report, detailing expenditures and donations. Here is what we learned from combing through each report and how much each candidate has raised and spent thus far in the election. Place 2: Adeline Bui versus Jeff Marsh In the only race with an incumbentJeff Marsh and Adeline Bui are running against one another. Jeff Marsh, the incumbent, has received $1,650 in political contributions and has spent $2,153.93 on his campaign efforts. Some of these expenditures have come from his personal funds. Notably, Marsh received a $200 donation from Pflugerville ISD trustee Rob Reyes and also donated $200 to Victor Johnson's campaign, who is running for the Place 6 seat against Jim McDonald. Adeline Bui, Marsh's challenger, has received $1,060 in political contributions, but has spent $9,263.40. The majority of her expenditures, $8,031.06, have been classified as being spent on advertising. Marsh and Bui each received contributions from residents not living in Pflugerville. Marsh received a $1,000 donation from a developer, Barth Timmerman, who runs the Greenview Development in Austin. Bui's contributions, also totaling $1,000 all came from residents living in Austin. Place 4: George Lueck versus Rudy Metayer Lueck has been outspent by several thousand dollars in this race. Lueck has collected only $100 in political contributions, a donation from PfISD trustee Rob Reyes. He has spent $295.69 on advertising and accounting fees. Lueck's campaign treasurer is Gayle Heath, wife of current Pflugerville city councilman Mike Heath. Metayer has taken in $10,250 in political contributions, with more than $3,000 in donations coming from residents who do not live in the city of Pflugerville. He has spent $8,866.48 on a variety of costs including more than $650 on meals throughout his campaign. Place 6:  Victor Johnson versus Jim McDonald McDonald outspent Johnson, with Johnson taking in $2,715 in contributions and spending $4,480.36. McDonald received $3,085 in contributions and spent $5,208.96. A little more than $2,000 contributed to Johnson's campaign come from donors outside of the city of Pflugerville. McDonald, who did not disclose all addresses of all of his donors, disclosed $800 of his contributions came from residents outside of Pflugerville. Read more of our election coverage here.