The land currently resides in the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, or ETJ. If approved, the property would be zoned as agriculture and development reserve, prior to future rezonings. Since the land borders properties within city limits, state law allows its eligibility for a voluntary annexation, per city documents.
Council approved a performance agreement between RNDC and the Pflugerville Community Development Corp. in November 2019, alongside an announcement that RNDC would relocate and expand its operations to Pflugerville. As noted in both the agreement and annexation documents, 33 acres of the annexation area has been allocated to RNDC operations.
In relocating to Texas, RNDC has engaged in a $27 million capital investment in a 250,000 sq. ft. facility and plans to employ 304 full-time jobs, according to a November 2019 PCDC news release.
Per the 10-year economic development performance agreement, the PCDC will offer a $70,000 jobs grant each year, so long as RNDC relocates or hires 207 employees in year one and 97 in year two, according to the November 2019 release. The PCDC will also provide no more than $500,000 in an infrastructure grant to help with the extension of Helios Way and utilities as needed to the site, per the release.
A second public hearing for the annexation request is scheduled for Dec. 8.