Pflugerville residents will vote to approve more than $20 million worth of general obligation bonds earmarked for transportation projects after City Council voted Tuesday night to officially call for a Nov. 6 bond election.
The bond proposition outlines $21.1 million in transportation projects for street improvements to Colorado Sand Drive, Kelly Lane, Old Austin Hutto Road and East Pflugerville Parkway.
"We’ve been working since May to come up with these projects and get to this point," said Amy Giannini, city engineer for Pflugerville.
City documents show the city has set aside $4.29 million for Colorado Sand Drive, $7.81 million Kelly Lane, $4.01 million for Old Austin-Hutto Road and $5.03 million East Pflugerville Parkway for construction costs. An additional $307,000 is dedicated to debt service costs.
The bond funds would go toward design, construction and necessary right of way acquisition costs for the following projects:
- Colorado Sand Drive: Construct the middle section of Colorado Sand Drive to a four-lane urban divided section.
- Kelly Lane Phase 2: Reconstruct and widen Kelly Lane to an urban four-lane divided section from West Falcon Pointe Drive to Moorlynch Avenue.
- Old Austin-Hutto Road: Reconstruct and widen Old Austin-Hutto Road to an urban three-lane section with curb and gutter, storm drain and eliminate a low-water crossing.
- East Pflugerville Parkway extension/realignment east of Weiss Lane: Extend Pflugerville Parkway east of Weiss Lane to create a continuous arterial route along today’s Jesse Bohls Drive.
Voters will see just a single proposition on the ballot Nov. 6 as the city chose to package the projects together in lieu of separating the projects for voter approval. Consolidating the projects into one proposition legally provides the city some flexibility to shift the bond funds around among the four projects if necessary, per Giannini.
Responding to an inquiry from Pflugerville City Council member Mike Heath, Giannini told council that the city would be unable to begin construction on the four outlined projects for at least three years should the bond proposition get voted down by voters in November.
The $21.1 million in bond funds that will go to voters in November is a fraction of the
$400 million collection of projects that city council discussed in May. At that time dozens of capital improvement projects were listed as potential bond project items, including parks projects, infrastructure improvements and utility improvements.