A second round of bids brought a winner for a new Pflugerville Animal Welfare Services intake facility.
The current shelter, at 1600 Waterbrook Drive, will have overcrowding eased with a new 5,800 square foot structure the city will build for $2,042,997.
The intake building will be constructed by Prime Construction Company Inc., the lowest of five bidders. A first round of bids, according to Pflugerville Assistant City Manager Trey Fletcher, had a low of $2.19 million. The council asked officials to look at ways to reduce the costs of the building.
Fletcher came back Tuesday with bids that were submitted by a Sept. 12 deadline. Some changes were made in outside material and landscaping. Fletcher said the bid may have been affected by construction cost increases since Hurricane Harvey.
City Manager Brandon Wade said he joined Fletcher in the search for cost reductions on the building and couldn’t suggest reducing the size.
“They would request another facility soon,” Wade said.
Wade also suggested the city vote to use resilient materials in the construction, rather than cutting costs and then paying for repairs.
The building, which will go on the site of a former wastewater treatment plant, will have a special foundation to prevent any potential settling issues.
“I know this has been a long time coming,” Council Member Doug Weiss said as he made the motion to fund the structure. Council voted 6-0 to approve.