Pflugerville City Council gave initial consideration to a curfew ordinance that would restrict the whereabouts of minors---anyone under age 17---during nighttime as well as days during the school year at a Tuesday night city council meeting. Police Chief Jessica Robledo said the ordinance would be in effect from 11 p.m.-6 a.m. from Sunday to Thursday, midnight-6 a.m. from Friday to Saturday and would extend from 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m. on school days. The ordinance would be enforceable with a fine up to $500 for minors who are driving, walking or standing in public places during these times; establishment operators who allow minors on their property during these hours; and guardians of minors who allow their minors out during these hours. Robledo said over the past three years, the Pflugerville Police Department has made 481 juvenile arrests, with 23 percent of those arrests occurring during the proposed curfew hours. Council members asked for further data on what kind of crimes were committed during curfew hours to see how the ordinance, if passed, would impact crime in the area. Council Member Doug Weiss said he was concerned that the city was assuming minors were the ones contributing to a rise in crime, and that data might not be indicating that trend. "I don't know if we have empirical data to make that statement at this current time," he said. Robledo said Pflugerville is one of the only cities in the area that does not have such an ordinance. Austin is currently reviewing its curfew ordinance on its regular three-year schedule. Robledo said if implemented, Pflugerville's ordinance would also be reviewed every three years.